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Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

English Videos for Your Perfect Englsih

We've been juggling around movies previous days. It is time to move on now. Well, I'd like to discuss about a great way in improving your speaking ability. Besides watching movie, cartoon and TV series, you can also sharpen your speaking ability by some English videos. I tell you this, you can find out many videos in the internet and Yay! some are free for you. Just clinks some links, and Viola! you can download all them without burning your pocket. You may be asking where you can find the out, but Do not so hasty, let's talk them one by one later.

English videos is a really good medicine for you who needs authentic material for speaking. If you get trouble to find real native speakers in your town (I found this hard to find native speaker in Bengkulu), English video can be the cure. Those videos can be used as an alternative supplement or emplacement of the real native speaker. Just watch the videos you want to learn, and enjoy the virtual native speaker in your screen. So, do not be so sad when you cannot find the real native ones. The English videos can be a really nice partner to speak English.  Again, a hundred of English videos are available for you.

So, it is good starting point to study English in better way. Use the technology as a medium in learning English. Last, but not least, practice your English you've just got from the English videos in your conversation. Practicing your English is all you need.

Bye my EFL friends :D

(Big sorry for some mistakes. Leave comments please. Thank you in advance)

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