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Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Be brave!

I am back best bud. How's life y'all?

Now, let's talk something fun, but the most important thing is I want to ask you some questions first.
  • Is English a hard language to learn? why?
  • Do you have any difficulties in studying English? what are they?
  • Do you often practice your English? how often?
  • Are you afraid or stage fright when you have to speak English in front of your class? Why?
  • Do people laugh at you when you make a mistake in your speaking?
  • Do you feel a sort of anxiety when you want to speak English?
  • Do you have any partner to speak English?
  • Do people mock or tease you when you are practicing your English?
  • etc.
I've got a bunch question to ask, but let's get started with those question above. If your answers were dominated by yes,you've just realized that you need to improve your English, you need to work really hard. Hey! You can be much better than this, I can guarantee. Show me that you can do better, YOU ARE THE KING OR THE QUEEN OF ANYTHING. Boost your energy and move on. Kill the problem you've got and be the best. English is just a piece of cake. I am sure you can handle your problem.

Finally, I'll share all of my experiences to all of you guys, and I'll discuss all the problem you've got. Let's move forward and get the brighter future together. 


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